Abstract Evaluation Notification – 7th of February 2016
Dear Authors,
We are delighted to share with you that we received, for our Calls for Abstracts of the 3rd edition of ICIEMC – International Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Marketing and Consumer Behaviour, submissions from:
- 230 authors;
- 217 universities;
- 4 continents.
We accepted in this phase a total of 98 high-quality abstracts, whose authors will now have the opportunity to prepare the Full Paper or the Development Paper and submit it till March 15, 2016 to enter the double-blind review process.
The Abstract evaluation notification was send to your emails on 7th of February. If any of you did not receive it, please contact us at iciemc@europeia.pt.
Some brief information about the next steps:
- The paper submission must be realized until March 15, in the platform that will be posted on our site, using the ICIEMC blind template (no author information can be available in the document you will submit).
- You, and all the co-authors, will be participating in the double-blind review process and will have to review at least 2 papers (you will receive the assignments after March 20, and you may have less papers, so no worries).
- Shall your paper be accepted to the conference, you must prepare your paper including Title, Author information, Affiliation (so-called Camera Ready Submission) and submit it to us by April 25 in Word format, to be able to include it in the proceedings.
- Shall your paper be accepted to the conference, you must register and pay by April 20 (one author registration and payment per accepted paper) for your paper to be included in the proceedings and in the conference program.
- If you are interested to submit another paper, whose abstract has not been evaluated, please get in touch with us.
Feel free to contact our team at iciemc@europeia.pt for any query that you may have.
We’re looking forward to see you in Lisbon.
Irina Saur-Amaral, Maria do Carmo Leal, Raquel Soares & Rui Cruz
The Organizing Committee of ICIEMC 2016
iciemc@europeia.pt | www.iciemc.pt
Quinta do Bom Nome, Estrada da Correia 53, 1500-210 Lisboa
T.: +351 21 030 9900