ICIEMC 2020 – New Dates / Virtual Conference
New dates – Virtual Conference
We are glad to inform that the ICIEMC 2020 will take place between 12th and 13th of November, 2020, in virtual format, with author presentations and plenary sessions using the Zoom platform.
We will also host Research Seminars on 11th of November, for PhD students.
We have adjusted the deadlines in conformity and we will also open a second call, to allow other authors to submit.
Second Call for Papers:
. Paper submission: 20th of July, 2020
. Paper acceptance notification: 15th of August, 2020
. Registration starts: September 1, 2020
. Submission of Camera Ready Paper: 15th of September, 2020
. Latest Registration date: October 15, 2020
Virtual registrations will have a lower value, as well:
. Virtual Registration for Students (Authors) – 50 euros
. Virtual Registration for Authors – 125 euros
We wish you all the best, and we are looking forward to see you (virtually) in November in Aveiro!