ICIEMC 2021 – Ready, Start, Go…
With a total of 55 presentations, ICIEMC 2021 is getting close… It will take place on July 1 and 2, in digital format (via Zoom).
Till June 11, at least one author of the accepted presentation must register and pay (when applicable). The Camera-Ready version of the accepted papers must be uploaded via CMT platform till June 20.
Latest accepted registration and payment for non-authors is June 25.
In the last weeks of June we’ll make available the preliminary proceedings and the program.
We are also glad to inform you that we have four captivating Luminary Speakers confirmed: António Sacavém, Vera Paulino, Susana Oliveira (all Portuguese) & Jeff Butler (US). They will challenge our minds with topics related to leadership, innovation, international business and humanity in this digital era. We’ll keep you posted…