Abstract submissions of max 250 words must be performed by email to iciemc@europeia.pt.
Paper submissions must be performed using ICIEMC 2016 CMT platform: Authors will need to create a new login and submit their paper according to Submission Guidelines, indicating if it is a Full Paper or a Development Paper.
Please click on the following link to create an account and submit: https://cmt.research.microsoft.com/ICIEMC2016. We would appreciate it if you could read the submission instructions.
Please ensure that the main document you will submit does not include author information. The manuscript posted in your submission will follow for review as is and if author information is found on the manuscript, we may cancel your submission.
Paper guidelines are described here: http://www.iciemc.pt/paper-submission/submission-guidelines. Please ensure you use the template provided.
For any queries regarding the submission, please contact us to iciemc@europeia.pt.