The Workplace Innovation Special Track is promoted by EUWIN – European Network on Workplace Innovation and by the European Commission (DG-Enterprise).
Objectives: stimulate awareness of the importance of workplace innovation for organizational performance (labour productivity, innovation capabilities, including new marketing models) and the quality of working life (development of competences, stress prevention) and to organize commitment among Portuguese companies, employers’ associations, trade unions, research institutes and the Portuguese government to starting a workplace innovation ‘initiative’ or ‘programme’.
Session A: Workplace innovation for better jobs and performance (11h – 13h), Room 12 (first floor)
Chair: Steven Dhondt
• Frank Pot: Concepts, research, programmes in Europe
• Steven Dhondt: EUWIN, objectives, participants, activities
• Maria José Sousa (Universidade Europeia): Organizational innovation in Vulcano
• Paulo Silva, CEO of Powerblades, subsidiary of Senvion
• Manuel Eugénio, Country Manager Portugal, Philips Portuguesa S.A.
• Ricardo Ken Fujihara, Empresa Brasileira de Correios e Telégrafos and Universidade de Brasilia
Session B: Workplace innovation to achieve smart, sustainable and inclusive growth (14.00 – 16.00), Room 12 (first floor)
Chair: Mr. Minister Pedro Mota Soares (under confirmation), Peter Totterdill
• Peter Totterdill: the case for workplace innovation and animated video
• Antonio Coral (IKEI, ES): example of workplace innovation and support by provincial government
• Pedro Quintela – Business Unit Manager Jason Associates (Consultancy firm, talent management etc.)
• Manuel Ortigao (EUROFOUND, Dublin): European Company Survey, workplace innovation
• Policy Forum: all previous participants + Mr. Minister Pedro Mota Soares (under confirmation), António Pego, AEP – Associação Empresarial Portuguesa, António Pinheiro, National Secretary of União Geral de Trabalhadores
Session C. Informal session, open to participants in Session A and B: Building a Portuguese workplace innovation alliance (16.00 – 17.00), Room 13 (first floor)
Moderator: Steven Dhont, Peter Totterdill
Co-moderator: Irina Saur-Amaral
More information on EUWIN please click EUWIN.