Registration Types and Fees may be consulted here: Any doubts, please contact us before making the payment.
Special note for authors of more than one paper: one registration and payment must be done for each paper. Otherwise, we regret to inform you we cannot publish your paper in the proceedings or include it in the conference program.
Registration must be done online before paying, using this form. If applicable, student enrollment proof has to be sent to for validation before the payment.
Payment may be done:
- via bank transfer (see bank account below and note that all bank transfer costs must be supported by you)
- via payment platform, to include credit card (link to be posted later on)
In any of the cases, payment for presenting authors must enter in our account till June 17, and you must send us the payment proof till June 18 to Payment for non-presenting authors and other participants myst be done till June 22, and payment slip must be sent to us till June 23.
Bank payments:
Bank: Caixa Geral de Depósitos.
Bank account owner: Universidade Aveiro – Eventos
Bank account: IBAN PT50 0035 0361 00002885330 45
You need to send the payment slip to the organization after you pay to validate the registration.