Call for Abstracts: ICIEMC 2022
Dear Authors,
We are delighted to inform you that the Call for Abstracts for ICIEMC 2022, which will take place in Aveiro, Portugal, on June 30 and July 1, 2022, in virtual format using the Zoom platform, is now open.
Abstract Submissions must be performed by email to isca-iciemc@ua.pt till March 11, 2022, end of day, and should include Title, Authors, Authors’ contact information, max. 250 words abstract and, compulsory, the Track (Regular or Special) where it is submitted to. You may check the tracks here.
All abstracts received by the deadline will be sent a confirmation email. Authors that did not receive the confirmation in 3 days after the abstract has been submitted should contact organization.
We accept abstracts and papers in English, Portuguese and Spanish.
Presentations at the conference will be in the language of the paper. English and non-English presentations will be held in different Parallel Sessions, duly identified as such.
All Luminary Sessions, as well as the Opening and the Wrap-up Sessions will be held in English.
We are looking forward to your submissions! Please get in touch with us, shall you have any doubt.