

The Best Paper and Best Thesis awards for ICIEMC 2024 were granted on June 28, 2024, in the Wrap-up Session, via Zoom. Special Distinction Awards were granted to best thesis finalists, as well.

Best Paper Award

  • Best Paper in Consumer Behaviour: “Understanding AI’s Role in Shaping Consumer Choices” – Luzia Arantes
  • Best Paper in Marketing & Brands: “Determinantes e consequências do amor à marca de clubes de futebol” – Anabela Maria Bello de Figueiredo Marcos & Luís Branco
  • Best Paper in Innovation & Artificial Intelligence:Challenges and Opportunities of Artificial Intelligence Regarding Rapid Technological Change” – Bruno Costa, David Arbues, Godeliva Hanjam, João Silva, Jorge Ribeiro, Stefano Comodin & Manuel Au-Yong-Oliveira

Best Thesis Award

  • Best MSc Thesis in Marketing:Femluencing’s impact on purchase intention” – Maria João Gouveia Spínola, Supervisor: Belém Barbosa
  • Best MSc Thesis in Strategy & Competitiveness: Estratégias de Competitividade para Organizações Negativas: Desafiar o Status Quo” – Beatriz da Cruz Graça, Supervisor: Manuel Au-Yong-Oliveira
  • Best PhD Thesis in Consumer Behaviour:Hotel Environmental Practices: The Customer Perspective” – Natalina do Carmo Ribeiro de Sousa, Supervisors: Celeste Eusébio & Arminda Paço
  • Best PhD Thesis in Entrepreneurship:The Effect of Ethnic Origin on Entrepreneurial Orientation: A Spatial Econometric Analysis of Mozambican Entrepreneurs” – Hélio de Jesus Branco Corguinho Fernandes, Supervisor: Joaquim Ramos Silva
  • Best PhD Thesis in Marketing:Persuasion Effects of Message Factors in Narrative Advertisements: Product-Story Link, Actor Types, and Persuasive Subtext” – Matthias Glaser, Supervisor: Heribert Reisinger
  • Best PhD Thesis in Consumer Behaviour & Tourism:The influence of urban sensescapes perception on tourists’ elicited emotions, behavioral responses, satisfaction, and place attachment through mediating effects of perceived destination authenticity and image – The case study of Porto, Portugal” – Irma Imamovic, Supervisors: António Azevedo & Bruno Sousa

Special Distinction Award

  • Special Distinction Award in Marketing & Technology:Augmented reality as a tool to improve decision-making in online shopping: mitigating the problem of product return” – Sergio Barta Arroyos, Supervisors: Carlos Flavián & Raquel Gurrea
  • Special Distinction Award in Consumers & Technology:Individuals’ connection with social robots and its role in the appropriation process” – Marie Kerekes, Supervisors: Denis Guiot & Emmanuelle Le Nagard
  • Special Distinction Award in Sustainable Development:Toward the Sustainable Development of Operations: Improving Energy Efficiency as a Means to Sustainability as Practice” – Naghmeh Taghavi, Supervisors: Arni Halldorsson & Patrik Jonsson
  • Special Distinction Award in Consumer Behaviour & Tourism:Post it, Like it, Share it, and Profit?” – Florian Gasser, Supervisors: Christian Laesser & Torsten Tomczak

We also granted Outstanding Contributions Awards, in the same session, to Luzia Amorim and Anabela Marcos, for extraordinary, high quality scientific contributions to ICIEMC conferences along the years.


The Best Paper and Best Thesis awards for ICIEMC 2023 were granted on June 30, 2023, in the Wrap-up Session, via Zoom.

Best Paper Award

  • Best Paper in Tourism: “Digital marketing and sustainable tourism: a resiliency proposal” – Luzia Arantes
  • Best Paper in Innovation:Business Model Innovation in SMEs: a systematic literature review” – Lucio Marques Peçanha
  • Best Paper in Marketing: “The Role of Customer Engagement with E-banking” –
    Anabela Maria Bello de Figueiredo Marcos & Tânia Marques da Rocha

Best Thesis Award

  • Best PhD Thesis in Tourism:Co-creation enhancing food & wine tourism experiences” – Mariana Sousa e Silva Cabral de Carvalho, Supervisor: Elisabeth Kastenholz & Maria João Carneiro
  • Best MSc Thesis in Consumers & Brands:Valor percebido, brand equity, satisfação e intenções de lealdade dos consumidores de bebidas vegetais” – Ana Isabel Pereira da Inês, Supervisor: António Carrizo Moreira
  • Best MSc Thesis in Sustainable Marketing: Eco-efficient kids: An exploratory cross-cultural study of sustainable consumer habits” – Catherine Elizabeth McTeigue, Supervisor: Manuel Au-Yong-Oliveira
  • Best MSc Thesis in Social Media Marketing:What are the determinants of engagement and loyalty with local newspapers on social media?” – Rita Sofia Quintela Faria, Supervisor: Belém Barbosa
  • Best MSc Thesis in Human Resources:Human Capital in the Industry 4.0: Managing Skills and Careers to Endorse Engagement” – Tiago Silva Oliveira Bastos, Supervisor: Leonor Teixeira


The Best Paper and Best Thesis awards for ICIEMC 2022 were granted on July 1, 2022, in the Wrap-up Session, via Zoom.

Best Paper Award

  • Best Paper in Challenges & Opportunities in Business: “O bem-estar dos colaboradores e o impacto do COVID-19 em Portugal” – Ana Reis, André Medeiros, Luis Costa & Manuel Au-Yong-Oliveira
  • Best Paper in Sustainable Marketing & Digital Perspectives:Digital marketing and sustainability: a study on consumer perceptions” – Luzia Arantes
  • Best Paper in Social Media Marketing: “The (not so) secret life of senior social media influencers: An analysis of the top five ‘granfluencers’, on Instagram” – Ana Cristina Antunes, Sandra Miranda & Ana Gama

Best Thesis Award

  • Best PhD Thesis in Innovation:A participação de empresas portuguesas na Iniciativa EUREKA: um contributo para a avaliação dos seus efeitos” – Isabel Maria Santos Caetano, Supervisor: Paulo Bento
  • Best PhD Thesis in Entrepreneurship:The goals and the value business angels perceive from their investment activity” – Rui Falcão, Supervisors: Maria João Carneiro, António Carrizo Moreira & Harry Sapienza
  • Best MSc Thesis in Challenges & Opportunities in Higher Education Institutions:O burnout entre estudantes: um caso de estudo sobre a Universidade de Aveiro” – Sofia Salgado, Supervisor: Manuel Au-Yong-Oliveira
  • Best MSc Thesis in Challenges & Opportunities in Marketing & Consumer Behaviour: Comportamento do consumidor e marketing em Portugal em tempos de COVID-19: um estudo exploratório” – Marta Manuel Oliveira Belinha, Supervisor: Manuel Au-Yong-Oliveira
  • Best MSc Thesis in Advances in Intelligence & Data for Industry:Information systems in Industry 4.0: Mechanisms to support the shift from data to knowledge in Lean environments” – Juliana Pereira Salvadorinho, Supervisor: Leonor Teixeira
  • Best MSc Thesis in Niche Marketing:Intenção de compra de cosméticos skincare à base de canábis” – Najla Gonzaga Ribeiro, Supervisor: Belém Barbosa


The Best Paper and Best Thesis awards for ICIEMC 2021 were granted on July 2, 2021, in the Wrap-up Session, via Zoom.

Best Paper Award

  • Best Paper in Consumer Behaviour & Neurosciences: “A influência do Facebook no comportamento de compra dos consumidores de produtos biológicos – Geração Y e Z” – Elisabete Teixeira (ISCAP), Ana Lima (CEOS.PP/ISCAP/P.PORTO) & Sandrina F Teixeira (CEOS.PP/ISCAP/P.PORTO)
  • Best Paper in Digital Transformation in Entrepreneurship and Marketing:Drivers da Adoção das Redes Sociais nos Mercados B2B” – Anabela Figueiredo Marcos & Mariana Martinho Leira (Coimbra Business School / ISCAC)
  • Best Paper in Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Small Business Marketing: “Covid-19: uma oportunidade para desenvolver a Intenção empreendedora” – Teresa Dieguez (IPCA – Polytechnic Institute of Cávado and Ave)
  • Best Paper in Niche Tourism & Marketing Perspectives:LGBT Tourism in Northern Portugal: Perception and Attitude of the Hotel Industry and Local Community” – Sónia Silva (ESHT/IPCA) & Laurentina M Vareiro (Polytechnic Institute of Cávado and Ave & UNIAG)
  • Best Paper in (Post)Pandemic Changes in Business, Marketing and Consumer Behaviour: “Soluções para enfrentar as dificuldades causadas pela COVID-19 no setor das bebidas alcoólicas: O caso do Grupo Aveleda” – Rui J. Ribeiro (DEGEIT, Universidade de Aveiro), José Teixeira (DEGEIT, Universidade de Aveiro), Marta Gonzaga ( DEGEIT, Universidade de Aveiro), Maria Rocha ( DEGEIT, Universidade de Aveiro) & Manuel Au-Yong-Oliveira (GOVCOPP, University of Aveiro)

Best Thesis Award

  • Best PhD Thesis in Consumer Behaviour:From Sufficient to Necessary: The Integrated Role of Emotions on Consumer Ethical Decision Making” – Marco Escadas, Supervisors: Minoo Farhangmehr & Marjan S. Jalali
  • Best MSc Thesis in Entrepreneurship:Análise de antecedentes da intenção empreendedora de alunos universitários: um estudo empírico no Brasil” – Luis Fernando Mendes Bernardi, Supervisors: Paulo Gonçalves & Anabela Mesquita
  • Best MSc Thesis in Innovation & Entrepreneurship:An Enquiry Into The Design of Innovative Business Models” – João Pereira Campos, Supervisor: Manuel Au-Yong Oliveira
  • Best MSc Thesis in Service Innovation:Understand Service Innovation Approaches: Design Thinking and Service Design – An Exploratory Study” – Cátia Sofia Costa Miranda, Supervisors: Ana Torres & Lia Patricio
  • Best MSc Thesis in Technological Innovation: “Fatores influenciadores da aceitação da tecnologia financeira (FINTECH) pelos consumidores dos serviços financeiros tradicionais em Portugal” – Diogo Oliveira Salgado, Supervisor: Bruno Sousa


The Best Paper and Best Thesis awards for ICIEMC 2020 were granted or November 13, 2020, in the Wrap-up Session, via Zoom.

Best Paper Award

  • Best Paper in Services Marketing & Customer Experience:Retail service as a determinant of brand experience and consumer loyalty: A study applied to fashion retail” – Nuno Fortes, Inês Resende, Pedro Espírito Santo & Patrícia Cardoso – Instituto Politécnico de Coimbra, ESTGOH
  • Best Paper in Strategic Marketing & Value Creation: “Estratégia e competitividade no setor da construção civil: um estudo aplicado ao norte de Portugal” – José Maria Gomes, Teresa Dieguez & Bruno Barbosa Sousa – IPCA – Polytechnic Institute of Cávado and Ave
  • Best Paper in Consumer Behaviour & Neurosciences: “As motivações para a compra online de produtos de beleza e vestuário: uma abordagem às gerações X, Y e Z” – Nicolau Monteiro & Ana Lima, ISCAP

Best Thesis Award

  • Best PhD Thesis in Innovation:Unlocking the Way Firms Are Applying Gamification throughout the Innovation Life Cycle” – Rui Patrício, Supervisor: António Carrizo & Francesco Zurlo
  • Best MSc Thesis in Marketing & Strategy:O sexismo na publicidade: Perceção do consumidor e influência na decisão de compra” – Ana Sofia Monteiro Cardoso, Supervisor: Bruno Sousa
  • Best MSc Thesis in Marketing & Advertising:Descodificando a receção dos anúncios publicitários em diversas plataformas: a abordagem do neuromarketing” – Elizabeth Vieira, Supervisor: Ana Cristina Antunes & Julien Diogo
  • Best MSc Thesis in Tourism Management:Utilização de ferramentas digitais em contextos específicos do turismo: um estudo na ótica das pessoas com necessidades especiais” – Cátia Macedo, Supervisor: Bruno Sousa

If you want to have a glance at the previous edition, please check out the awards here: